Eno leto je že minilo, odkar je Meghan Markle pripravila kapsulno kolekcijo oblačil, ki jo je poimenovala ‘Smart Set’ oz. ‘Pametni komplet’. Da bi ovekovečila ta trenutek, je pripravila praznično Zoom srečanje.

“Nekateri pravijo, da gre zgolj za oblačila, ampak ni tako,” je vojvodinja pojasnjevala iz svojega doma v Santa Barbari. “Vsi ti kosi so sicer res zunanji, ampak gre za to, kaj naredijo za vas od znotraj, da to postane vaš najboljši modni dodatek, mar ne?”

V mislih je imela samozavest.

Meghanino kolekcijo sestavlja nekaj osnovnih kosov ženske garderobe, primerne za zaposlitvene intervjuje, da se ženske lahko na njih pojavijo dostojno oblečene in si s tem povečajo možnost za zaposlitev. “Gre za samozavest, ki jo občutimo znotraj sebe, ki nam jo dajo tovrstna oblačila. In taki vstopimo v sobo oz. na zaposlitveni intervju, ki vas lahko popelje na novo pot uspeha,” je povedala.

One year ago, Smart Works announced the launch of The Smart Set Capsule Collection with The Duchess of Sussex. ⠀ The collection was designed to create a perfect working wardrobe for Smart Works clients. ⠀ With over 3,000 clients coming to Smart Works in the last year and 1,000 women taking pieces, the collection has proved to be invaluable. ⠀ In particular it has played an important role in ensuring the success of the new virtual service which was launched as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. ⠀ To celebrate the first anniversary, The Duchess of Sussex sat down to speak to Karla, Charlene and Agnieszka, three previous clients, to see how their time at Smart Works has helped transform their lives.   ⠀ After listening to their stories, The Duchess of Sussex said, “People can say that so much of smart works is about the clothes themselves but it’s really not … all of that stuff is the exterior but it’s what it does for you on the inside that ends up being the best accessory. It’s the confidence, it’s what is built within, that is the piece that you walk out of that room with and walk into the interview with.” ⠀ Thank you to everyone to bought a piece of the collection and the retailers who made it possible @marksandspencerfashionpr @johnlewisandpartners , @insidejigsaw and @mishanonoo . ⠀ To find out more and hear from our clients and CEO head to the link in our bio.

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Po končanem klicu je kratek posnetek objavila še na Instagram. “S preko 3.000 klienti, ki so v zadnjem letu prišli po oblačila Smart Works in s preko 1.000 ženskami, ki so vzele te kose, se je kolekcija pokazala kot zelo uporabna,” je zapisala.

PREBERITE TUDI: Meghan Markle in princ Harry sta kupila dom v mirnem okolišu Santa Barbare


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